My job for the ASA sports shows is to run fly casting demos and a verity of how to seminars on fishing techniques. This year tells a deeper story then the past few, time are tough for our fellow country men. Not just consumers but dealers and professionals alike. As some of you know i have been on a 12wk bout with my fourth serious shoulder injury which has been causing a bunch of problems for my wife and I. As we hang on by a thread to all we have worked for, i am reminded that there is a bigger picture. A new generation of youth that needs better guidance and direction, more then ever before. I have been blessed to work with a some kids this week and talk to there families about fishing, life and values.
I had to for-fit my Saturday demos because i could not lift my arm, never mind cast a rod for a few hours. Things worked out well because there was plenty of talent in house that covered for me. Sunday came around an my shoulder felt much better and was able to complete my duties with a lot of Advil. This is my season to struggle along with many others, i just hope that the youth learn from our mistakes and change there values and ethics to better our country as should we. To many people are sitting around sucking our country dry, happy to just collect from the government and wait till someone else fixes the problem. To long have things gone with out true struggle, a virus of self entitlement has infected our country leaving us lazy, blame shifting, finger pointers instead of leaders and teachers. We can't let the next generation down, they are watching and waiting for us to do something. Do they deserve the same blessed life we grew up with no, but we should fight like heck that they might.