
Awaken solitude in the deeps of who we are. Its 6 am and the winter moon is still high in the clear vast sky, waiting for her shift to end, as the over powering sun makes haste for the dawning horizon. Its time to be alone, still, quiet, meditative, the rolling farm hills lie vacant, void of any presents, the howling winds of the evening storm blew a blank canvas for me. To forge my own passage through this abstract terrain of drifts, hills and forest, I notice every sound I can, the crushing of snow, song birds in the thickets, the drone of cattle far off, the whisper of my mind telling me to take it easy, you’re not healed up. I need this time alone I spend my days serving others, maintaining guide status with clients, this month has been very hard, with both my wife and I out of work and money almost gone, I can be distracted by unpaid bills and circumstances out of my control, but I must focus. It’s this moment that matters, each breath I take, feeling the cold air in my lungs, wanting to push my body to exhaustion, frustrated having to hold back, it’s not who I am to hold back, but I have no choice. Each passing moment I can never repeat, Time marches on with out the counsel of man, regardless for individuals fleeting moments. Just to freeze a sunrise, relish a victory, ride that wave further, cherish that loved ones last day, hold to this vapor, a passing shadow is life, this world racing by faster then once thought, in vane of my youth. Nothing with breath will live for ever, that includes you and me, strive for the stars, obtain what comes, be content in all things, fight for valid dreams. Seek solitude for a season, the glamour of this world and safety of others does not contain all thee answers, nor will you ask the right questions among the masses, be afraid and bold at the same time. The beauty of this morning is gone, my time spent till right now, its midday with lots of emails and PR stuff to do, in hopes it will stir up business on the river, but the day is better because I took a moment to get away and Listen.